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You want to connect, not perform.

It's called authenticity. It builds trust and support.

And it's what we do. is the elearning portal for Rutherford McKay Associates

Media Relations - Public Speaking - Plain Language - Strategic Comm's - and more!

  • Media training for spokespeople, leaders, subject matter experts and scientists
  • Plain language, including courses for scientists & subject matter experts  
  • Engineering and pitching your ideas
  • Public speaking and presenting
  • Crisis communications
  • Strategic communications
  • Parliamentary committee appearances

Build on your strengths

Easily access the same elite media and communications training that top leaders, executives and experts across Canada have been taking for over two decades. We have helped people working in government, nonprofit organizations, post-secondary institutions, health organizations and companies to build the trust and support they need to succeed.


What we do

TRUSTMAKERS™ offers online communications training courses, such as Media Relations, Speaking and Presenting, Plain Language and others. We help you and your organization communicate clearly, effectively and authentically.

Communicate as yourself

TRUSTMAKERS™ training programs are designed to help you communicate as yourself. We don't believe in spin, manipulation and evasion. We focus on truly connecting with others. 

Be comfortable and effective

Our sessions focus on what actually matters to the success of your communication. We don’t subscribe to the “performance coaching” model. We help you be calm and comfortable in the spotlight.