Many clients simply use the per-person credit card option because our prices are usually under corporate credit card and sole source limits.
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We also have many standing offers, vendor of record arrangements, supply arrangements and other vehicles that are available to you. These arrangements are made between the buyer and Rutherford McKay Associates Inc. (a.k.a Trustmakers / Artisans de la confiance).
Some of these arrangements can be used by many people and organizations working in the public service, broader public sector, and the non-profit sector:
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1. ProServices
Communications training and consulting services available through Stream 10 – Project Management Services, Category 10.11 Communications Consultant
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2. We also have standing offer and other contractual arrangements with:
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Auditor General of Canada
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Elections Canada
- Health Canada
- Impact Assessment Agency
- Natural Resources Canada
- Office of the Veterans’ Ombud
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Public Prosecution Service of Canada
Public Services
- Procurement Canada
RFP 2023-18, SOA, Development and Delivery of Professional Development, Occupational and Computer Courses, Nunavut
- Rutherford McKay Associates Inc. is a provider
of training offered through the Public
Service Training Division of the Department of Human Resources.
- GN departments and agencies also continue to contracted
with us directly to offer training services to their leaders and staff (contact us to make
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Note that our popular Media and Communications Training program is currently being adapted for delivery in Inuktitut. We expect this program to be available in the fall of 2023.
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Organizations already registered with Supply Ontario and able to use their arrangements, include:
- municipalities (cities, towns, counties, townships)
- colleges and universities
- school boards and schools
- non-profit organizations
- agencies
- electricity system operators
- police services
- child and family services and Community Living organizations
- health and social services organizations
- public libraries
- public transportation operators/authorities
- sport organizations
- conservation authorities
Pre-Qualification List
We are pre-qualified under RFQ-2023-9-2923 - Design and Delivery of Professional Development Courses for YG employees, under the Public Sector Capability category. All of our training programs are available. For more information, contact the Public Service Commission, Organizational Development Branch,
Yukon Government at, 867-667-5653 or use the staff directory for the Organizational Development Branch. We are listed as Rutherford McKay Associates Inc. or Trustmakers.
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